About Viktor Enko

I am a Front-end Developer from Moldova with two years of websites development experience. I create modern, animated, responsive & adaptive Design. And all rolled into one. Let's make something special.

Web technologies have recently become part of my life, but I like to do my job, I like the work and the projects that I create. I am not an avid fan of my work, but I try to carry out projects responsibly, efficiently and in good faith. Hope you enjoy working with me.

Producing a modern website requires the combination of design, server technology, and the layer that users interacts with. A website must both please the eye and feel great to use to achieve the most for your business. That's why I believe the best user experiences are created by those that are experienced in these multiple fields. The added benefit of a hybrid designer/developer is that they can work with the full scope of a project in mind; simplifying the process of working amongst a team and producing a more cohesive experience for your users.

Front-end Developer

I use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to produce responsive websites and web apps that provide users the best and most appropriate experience suited to their device and browser.


  • JavaScript (vanilla, React, etc)
  • Semantic HTML
  • Responsive CSS
  • Performance
  • Animation
This is a list of my foundational front-end development skills. I'm also familiar with many tools and frameworks that fall under these main categories.

Creating a future-oriented and easy-to-maintain website is achieved by breaking the web page into the smallest parts, often called components, and building them in such a way that they exist outside the context of the design in which they first appear. This allows for components that can be reused. used in other areas of the website as it grows and makes it easier for other developers to understand and test. Wherever possible, I find it valuable to create a style guide that acts as a document for a reusable and maintained code base. All project participants can rely on a style guide to understand the project language and create a more consistent user interface. Reusable components allow your website to grow rapidly, just like your business.

I have a particular interest in using animation on the net. I especially enjoy working on websites that have smooth transitions and require high performance to maintain a smooth and attractive website.

Design & Prototyping

I believe it is important to understand both design and development to achieve a successful user-facing product. Traditionally, a design is created and then a front-end developer is expected to code it. My preferred method of producing a website is to design but keep technical challenges in mind so they can be solved during the design phase. By working in this way, the best design and technical decisions can be made in tandem and the website remains beautiful, fast, and easy to use. There's no need to go back to change the designs once coding is under way. It's a more efficient way of working that gets the right result the first time around.


  • Sketch
  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • Invision
  • Figma

Typically my design process consists of researching your requirements, analysing competitors in your field, and holding a design meeting to get your initial ideas. Where required, I can produce a mood board to give a "feel" for the website that influences the designs. I will then take these learnings and produce a first round of designs. With your feedback, I will then iterate on the designs to meet your expectations.

I am also a keen advocate of producing prototypes before fully coding. These prototypes are a hybrid of design and interaction that enable a team to experience how a user interface will feel before it is coded. This gives an opportunity for all involved to provide feedback at an early stage and be a part of the iteration process.


Degree Title Institution Dates
IT in Agriculture & Enterprises - Agrarian Economic College, Transnistria Agrarian Economic College, Transnistria 09/2016 - 07/2020
Languages Proficiency
Russian : Native
English : Intermediate
Romanian : Elementary